Showing posts with label Diabetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diabetics. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

How to relieve diabetic foot pain: 5 Ways to Relieve Diabetic Foot Pain.

How to relieve diabetic foot pain: 5 Ways to Relieve Diabetic Foot Pain.

Diabetic foot pain is a common condition for many diabetics. It can be an excruciating pain that leaves you limping and unable to perform even the most basic tasks. Diabetic foot pain can be caused by a number of factors, including nerve damage in the feet, high levels of uric acid in the blood, infections under the nails, and obesity. Luckily, there are a few ways that you can relieve diabetic foot pain. These include using ice packs to reduce inflammation and swelling, taking over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen, wearing comfortable shoes to avoid further injury, and talking to your doctor about other treatment options.

What is diabetic foot pain?

Diabetes is a condition in which the body has trouble regulating blood sugar. This can cause a variety of different symptoms and complications, including diabetic foot pain.

Diabetic foot pain occurs when there is damage to the nerves and other tissues in the feet. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as nerve damage, high levels of uric acid in the blood, infections under the nails, or obesity. Some common symptoms of diabetic foot pain include swelling and redness in one or both feet.

Painful sensations such as tingling, burning, stinging, and pins-and-needles can also occur due to nerve damage.

Some other symptoms that may result from diabetic foot pain are:

· Numbness · Tiredness · Insomnia · Swelling · Soreness · Foot ulcers

If you experience any of these symptoms after going without footwear for an extended period of time or after walking on a hard surface for a long period of time, contact your doctor immediately!

How to relieve diabetic foot pain

Diabetic foot pain is something that many diabetics face. It can be a symptom of a number of issues, such as nerve damage in the feet and high levels of uric acid in the blood. Luckily, there are ways to relieve this pain.

One way to do so is by using ice packs. Ice packs can reduce inflammation and swelling for people who suffer from diabetic foot pain. They're also fairly inexpensive and easy to get your hands on.

Another way to relieve this type of pain is by taking over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen. These can help treat the pain caused by diabetic foot pain, although they should only be taken after consulting with a doctor due to their side effects. Finally, wearing comfortable shoes can also help prevent further injury which could result in diabetic foot pain.

Talk to your doctor about other treatment options if you're struggling with diabetic foot pain!

Why do you get diabetic foot pain?

Diabetic foot pain is caused by many factors, including nerve damage in the feet, high levels of uric acid in the blood, infections under the nails, and obesity. There are a few ways you can relieve diabetic foot pain so that it doesn't interfere with your day-to-day life. Some include using ice packs to reduce inflammation and swelling, taking over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen, wearing comfortable shoes to avoid further injury, and talking to your doctor about other treatment options.

Is there anything else that can help with the pain?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for diabetic foot pain. However, the pain can be relieved with a few simple treatments.

While it is important to keep your feet dry and clean at all times, you should avoid wearing constricting socks or closed-toe shoes. Remember that this may not work on its own; talk to your doctor about other ways to reduce the pain.

Also remember that staying hydrated is important for your overall health, especially when dealing with diabetes. You should drink plenty of water throughout the day, which will help flush out toxins in your body and improve circulation. Diabetics are also encouraged to take their medication as prescribed by their doctor to prevent further problems with blood sugars and nerve damage.

How to Prevent Diabetic Foot Pain

Diabetic foot pain is often the result of nerve damage, high levels of uric acid, infections under the nails, or obesity.

It's important that you take steps to prevent diabetic foot pain. There are a few methods that will help you do this.

One way is to use ice packs to reduce inflammation and swelling in your feet. Be sure to apply ice packs for 15-20 minutes at a time on the affected area. Another way to avoid getting diabetic foot pain is by taking over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen. These are effective in reducing swelling and inflammation caused by diabetes. You can also wear comfortable shoes to avoid further injury to your feet, make sure they fit properly! Lastly, talk with your doctor about other treatment options that may be helpful for you.

What to do if you have diabetic foot pain

Diabetic foot pain is a common condition for many diabetics, and it can be an excruciating pain that leaves you limping and unable to perform even the most basic tasks. It can be caused by a number of factors, including nerve damage in the feet, high levels of uric acid in the blood, infections under the nails, and obesity. Luckily, there are a few ways that you can relieve diabetic foot pain. These include using ice packs to reduce inflammation and swelling, taking over-the-counter medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen, wearing comfortable shoes to avoid further injury, and talking to your doctor about other treatment options.

Although it's hard to imagine anyone having fun with this kind of pain, there are some things you can do to help prevent it from getting worse. For example:

Wearing comfortable shoes

Taking over-the-counter medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen

Talking to your doctor about other treatment options


Diabetic foot pain is a common complication for diabetes, but it doesn’t have to be a debilitating one. It can be treated successfully to allow you to live your life to the fullest. If you’ve been experiencing diabetic foot pain, take these six steps to learn how to relieve your pain.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Morning workouts are not appropriate for diabetics. Walking is the most effective kind of exercise.

 Morning workouts are not appropriate for diabetics. Walking is the most effective kind of exercise.

Morning workouts are popular among many individuals, particularly the middle-aged and elderly. Purchasing breakfast after morning workouts has evolved into the start of the day. Exercise therapy is also one of the most effective treatments for diabetes people. Experts, however, advise diabetes patients not to exercise blindly or at any time, particularly in the morning. Exercise in the morning on an empty stomach can easily result in hypoglycemia. So, what should diabetics focus on during their morning exercises?

Morning workouts are not appropriate for diabetics.

Exercising is a vital strategy for diabetics to preserve their health and regulate their blood sugar levels. Regular exercise can help regulate blood sugar levels and lower the risk of diabetic complications. People with diabetes, on the other hand, are not suited for over-exercising, and much less suitable for early workouts. The reason for this is that the temperature in the morning is generally low, which increases the excitability of sympathetic neurons in the body, and many individuals with diabetes have cardiovascular issues and are readily susceptible to cold air stimulation or weariness. Suddenly.

Furthermore, most individuals exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, which can easily trigger hypoglycemia and even hypoglycemia coma. The air pollution is particularly bad in the early morning, especially when there is dense fog. The heavier solids and particles in air pollution tend to fall to the ground. Dirt, dust, and bacteria may readily enter the human body through the respiratory system at this time, and people with diabetes have a low disease resistance, making it very simple to induce lung and tracheal infections and worsen the condition.

There is nothing wrong with diabetes exercise; nevertheless, we must pick the appropriate exercise period and avoid falling into the misconception of diabetic exercise, which can worsen the disease.

There are five people who should not participate in sugar sports.

1. Do not wake up too early.

Around 4 a.m., blood viscosity is at its peak and fluidity is at its lowest. It is quite easy for it to congeal into a thrombus and obstruct blood circulation. This is the period of year when cardiovascular disease is most common. As a result, sugar pals should avoid getting up too early, especially those with diabetes exacerbated by cardiovascular illness. Do not engage in any abrupt, high-volume activity at this period.

2. It is not advisable to exercise in the woods before sunrise.

In the early morning, the carbon dioxide level of the forests is quite high, while the oxygen content is relatively low. You will breath more carbon dioxide if you exercise in the woods before daybreak. In severe circumstances, you may feel dizzy or faint. Only after daybreak do the trees begin to photosynthesize, and the air quality in the woods improves.

3. The intensity should not be too large.

Many carbohydrates inhibit a variety of tissues and organs. The blood flow in the muscle increases significantly during vigorous activity, increasing the strength and frequency of the heart's contraction, and the myocardium will tire early owing to inadequate oxygen supply, leading in chest tightness. Furthermore, diabetic individuals should avoid hypoglycemia caused by high exercise intensity.

4. It is not designed for multitasking.

If you listen to the radio and record at the same time while exercising, it will disrupt the continuous and stable excitability of the central nervous system, cause irregular fluctuations in exercise emotions, disrupt the regulation of the body system, and significantly reduce the effect of morning exercises.

5. It is not appropriate to workout in the construction group.

Because high-rise buildings frequently create a "high-rise wind" that varies in strength, up and down, and is continually changing. People who exercise in this atmosphere are more likely to develop a cold, and their blood sugar levels will fluctuate.

How do you pick the best sport?

Diabetic patients should first try to pick their favorite activity; only then will they be able to adhere to it for an extended period of time without "three days of fishing and two days of drying the net." Exercise may be done in a variety of ways. Running, swimming, playing ball, climbing, dancing, exercising, and Tai Chi are all healthful sports that benefit both the body and the mind.

Furthermore, rigorous activity is clearly contraindicated for older diabetes individuals. Walking is a great way to get some exercise, especially after a meal. It is basic and straightforward, and it is not limited by any places or facilities. Walking not only helps to reduce blood sugar levels, but it also allows you to exchange sensations and calm your body and mind.

Monday, December 13, 2021

What should diabetics eat for breakfast?

 What should diabetics eat for breakfast?

What should diabetics eat for breakfast? According to statistics, people who eat breakfast every day are less likely to develop insulin resistance by 35% to 50%, which helps control blood sugar and reduce the incidence of heart disease. Breakfast is very important for people with diabetes. So, what should diabetics eat for breakfast? Let's understand it together.

Diabetics should pay attention to breakfast:

Eating breakfast can help control hunger and avoid overeating due to hunger at other times of the day. Compared with those who eat breakfast occasionally or skip breakfast at all, people who insist on eating breakfast every day suffer from obesity and diabetes. The odds are reduced by half.

A good diabetic breakfast should be both full and well eaten. That is, the calories should reach 20% to 35% of the total calories in the whole day. If the total calorie intake of a diabetic person is 6694.4 kJ, then the calorie of breakfast is 1673.6 kJ about.

A reasonable combination of breakfast has a significant impact on blood sugar levels, can maintain blood sugar at a relatively stable level, and can prevent hypoglycemia that is common around 10 o'clock in the morning. Moreover, a breakfast consisting entirely of cereals can reduce the risk of illness, while a processed cereal breakfast does not.

Diabetes Meal Planning: A Guide to Healthy Eating.

What should diabetics eat for breakfast?

1. Milk, soy milk

Milk and soy milk contain a lot of protein and water, which supplement the calcium and high-quality protein needed by diabetic patients. In particular, their blood tongue production index is very low, and they have the effect of stabilizing blood sugar. It is suitable as a long-term choice for diabetic breakfast. You can choose one of the two. But pay attention to patients with severe kidney disease to fast soy products.

2. Cereals

The staple food for breakfast for people with diabetes should eat whole-wheat bread, cabbage buns, salty steamed buns, flower rolls and other cereals. Oatmeal has more fiber than other cereals. It is more suitable for diabetics than traditional rice porridge, especially milk boiled oatmeal, which is a better diabetic breakfast food. It is worth noting that, because milk powder is not resistant to boiling, the oatmeal should be boiled in water first, and then the milk powder should be boiled for consumption. For patients with dyslipidemia, low-fat milk or low-fat milk powder should be selected.

Some diabetics like to eat noodles and porridge in the morning. At this time, it should be noted that some fish (meat) slices and vegetables should be added to the noodles, and some oatmeal and eggs should be added to the porridge (preferably oatmeal). This combination is more reasonable and avoids the higher blood sugar of simple carbohydrates. Big impact.

3. Protein

If fish and eggs are not added to the staple food, according to your actual situation, you can also add a boiled egg in water (note that it is not a high-calorie fried poached egg), or a small amount of lean meat or fish.

4. Vegetables

If there are some vegetables for breakfast, it becomes more reasonable. Eating vegetables is good for lowering blood sugar, providing vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. It can also increase satiety and maintain smooth stools, which is good for diabetes control. Therefore, patients with diabetes should eat more vegetables.

Recommend 4 breakfast recipes for diabetes:

1. 2 slices of salted oat bread (50g), 1 bag of fresh milk (250g), 1 egg (60g in shell), a little pickle.

2. 2 slices of buckwheat bread (50g), 1 salted duck egg, 1 bowl of soy milk.

3. 1 bag of fresh milk, 1 hybrid noodle wotou (50g), 1 boiled sausage (cooked weight 20g), a little pickles.

4. 1 bowl of soy milk (300ml), 1 tea egg, 2 slices of barley bread (50g).

After reading the above introduction, now you know what diabetic people eat for breakfast, and you can refer to the recipe.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Five Points to Consider About Scientific Sleep for Diabetics

 Five Points to Consider About Scientific Sleep for Diabetics

Diabetes is traditionally treated with diet, exercise, and medication. Nowadays, "heart therapy" and "sleep regulation" have been introduced. Clinical medicine has discovered that "Healing the Heart" can increase vagus nerve excitability, decrease sympathetic nerve excitability, produce a vagus-islet effect, regulate body and cell function, and block physical and psychological disorders (tension, depression, fear, and pessimism in diabetic patients). Chronic sleep deprivation and poor long-term sleep quality have been shown in studies to lower insulin sensitivity and raise the risk of diabetes. Sleep quality is excellent, and insulin sensitivity has improved. Both "heart therapy" and sleep control can boost the body's consumption of sugar and so aid in the treatment of diabetes.

Five Points to Consider About Scientific Sleep for Diabetics

1. Keep an eye on your blood sugar levels. Under the supervision of a doctor, strictly control blood sugar to meet the standard; actively change bad habits and behaviors (smoking, poor diet, drinking, lack of exercise, and obesity) to avoid diabetes complications; correctly understand the disease and maintain an optimistic mood and attitude. It can play a role in "mind control." Every day, choose your own exercise style (brisk walking, jogging, table tennis, swimming) and practice light and medium-intensity aerobic activity for 30 minutes (appropriate heart rate during exercise = 170-age), which can lower blood sugar and increase the effect of deep sleep at night.

2. Prior to going to bed, consider your health. Dinner should be light and not too filling; eat easy-to-digest foods with some soup to minimize blood sugar spikes caused by overeating. Drink a moderate amount of water before going to bed, which can dilute the blood and lower blood sugar; relax the mind and brain before going to bed, avoid stimulating factors such as drinking tea, wine, coffee, smoking, and watching stimulating TV and books; avoid dreaming stimulating factors such as nervousness, thinking, worry, and so on, and being awakened by strong light and sound during sleep, and physical conditions such as body cold, heat stimulation, hand chest duplication, and so on. go to bed on time, practice scorching your feet with warm water before going to bed, and encourage blood circulation. Circulation is beneficial to getting a good night's sleep.

3. While sleeping, keep an eye on the prone posture. Sleeping on the right side is recommended. The heart is not squeezed, breathing is not impeded, and the oxygen content of the blood rises, all of which contribute to the correct control of cerebral circulation and circulatory function. Lying on the correct side promotes appropriate digestion and absorption.

4. When you wake up, pay attention to your health. Pay extra attention to waking up early in the morning. After waking up, lie on the bed for 20 seconds, then sit on the bed for 20 seconds, then sit on the bed with your legs under the bed for 20 seconds, and finally walk in slippers. The goal is to manage cardiovascular function and blood pressure throughout the wake-up cycle, as well as to avoid stroke and myocardial infarction from walking immediately after waking up. Drinking a glass of hot water shortly after waking up might dilute the blood thickened by sleep-related breathing loss and increase blood circulation.

5. After lunch, pay close attention to the digestion and absorption of food. The management of nerve-humor greatly improves digestion and absorption. The production of digestive juice (such as insulin) and smooth muscle movement of the digestive tract are increased when the excitability of the parasympathetic nervous system is elevated in the morning. , Can help with digestion and absorption of meals while also lowering blood sugar levels. It is not advisable to consume a considerable amount of digestible food for lunch; it is also not advisable to snooze shortly after lunch. Before having a nap, you should relax for 30 minutes. The correct laying position is the optimal lying position for a nap. When getting up from a nap, it is advisable to take your time and give yourself a few minutes to wake up so that your brain is in the greatest operating condition as soon as possible.