Showing posts with label diabetic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diabetic. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2022

What aspects of work should people with diabetes pay attention to?

What aspects of work should people with diabetes pay attention to?

Introduction: Diabetic patients can live normally as long as they pay more attention and exercise greater control in their daily lives. So, do you know what aspects of work for diabetic patients should be prioritized?

People's quality of life is improving as a result of the continuous development of society. Many people claim to have diabetes as a result of a poor diet. Patients are terrified after being diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes, in fact, is not as bad as many people believe. Zhongduojia is concerned with controlling the disease's progression with drugs so that he can work and study normally. So, what should diabetics pay attention to?

What aspects should diabetics pay attention to?

1. Pay close attention to the balance of work and rest at work.

When working, patients with high blood sugar must pay close attention to the combination of work and rest. They also require adequate rest while working efficiently, because if they are overtired, their blood sugar levels will rise and blood sugar control will be compromised to some extent. Normal people are no different, but Pingzheng should be the starting point for blood sugar control. Anything that has the potential to cause a blood sugar spike should be avoided. Career and health are insignificant in comparison to health, so you must pay attention to your body.

2. Pay close attention to your diet.

Diabetics must put in enough effort to keep their blood sugar under control. In addition to the medications they require, their daily diet should be strictly monitored. Diabetics should not consume outside food while at work or training. For improved taste, a lot of outside food will be added. Sugar and monosodium glutamate will raise blood sugar levels, so you should eat lighter foods when dining out. of constancy.

3. Select the appropriate job.

If a diabetic patient wants to work well, he must first adjust his body and maintain stable blood sugar levels. However, not all jobs are suitable for diabetics. When selecting a job, special care should be taken. Some jobs with high-risk factors, such as construction, mechanical operation, heavy labor, and so on, are not short-distance. It is appropriate for people who have diabetes. People with diabetes should choose a job that ensures their safety first, and then find a job that suits them on the basis of being relaxed and putting their health first.

4. Complication avoidance

Diabetes in and of itself is not frightening, but the fact that diabetes can result in significant morbidity is. In daily life, you should pay attention to many aspects, such as kidney, heart, skin, eyes, and vision protection, and avoid standing or staying for long periods of time. Sitting, not used to holding back urine, avoiding high-fat foods, avoiding work that reduces vision, attempting to work the night shift, and so on, in order to ensure that blood sugar can be controlled while working and complications are avoided.

The preceding points have demonstrated that people with diabetes can work; however, they must make good choices when working, putting their own health first and work second. When diabetics are working, they must control their blood sugar and avoid or postpone complications. I hope that every diabetic can work hard, live a good life, and have a wonderful life like everyone else, not just because of a temporary disease. And let your own life be disrupted, disrupt your own life, this is what no one wants to see. Furthermore, proper exercise has an effect on the disease; therefore, take good care of yourself.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

How to Make Diabetic Recipes, How do diabetics eat three meals a day?

How to Make Diabetic Recipes, How do diabetics eat three meals a day? 

1. Introduction

People with diabetes do not eat 3 meals a day, they eat several times throughout the day.
They do not need to be hungry or even give up the food they like; they just need to arrange the type and amount (quantity and portion) of daily intake of food.
We must lead them in this direction so that they can take advantage of our food plan.

2. How to eat three meals a day

In his book on diabetic recipes, Chef Simon Rippon suggests that one way to make meals like these a breeze is to start with breakfast:
This recipe is a starter--it's quick and easy to prepare. And it can be used as a meal or snack. It doesn't require any special equipment, just a bit of patience. …
You'll need:
- 2 tablespoon butter or margarine (to grease the skillet)
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil (for frying the sweet potatoes)
- 1 cup chopped onions
- 1 cup chopped green peppers
- 3 cups chopped sweet potatoes (about 6 medium)
- 6 cups chicken or beef broth  (or stock)  (or tomato juice)
...and other ingredients, as you prefer: garlic powder, salt, pepper, and your favorite cheese (I use cheddar), depending on how much time you have. I start with these ingredients and add more as I need them. You can also substitute any type of seasoning you prefer for this basic recipe. For example, if you're using it as a side dish I might add some garlic powder and some cayenne pepper instead of the onion/pepper combo. ... If you're making it for others I might suggest adding more cheese or adding other seasonings to get your buddies excited about using it at your next party. ...  And here are the instructions for making this basic recipe for three meals a day: 2 tablespoons butter or margarine (to grease the skillet) 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 medium sweet potato 2 teaspoons salt pepper 1 teaspoon black pepper 4 cups chicken or beef broth (or stock) (or tomato juice  ) ...and other ingredients, as you prefer: garlic powder, salt, and peppers You don't have to follow this recipe exactly every single time. If you want to use it once and then move on to something else after that, that works fine too! Just make sure your food stays warm long enough for it to cook properly so that you don't burn your tongue in between those "cooking" sessions! Day one This is my very first version of this recipe, but the real reason I'm posting this today is that I got an e-mail from one of my followers who has diabetes...he asked me what he should do if he has diabetes so we could eat three meals a day without worrying about being hungry all day long! So when I saw his question on Twitter rather than just replying sent

3. The main meals of the day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)

Diabetics, who have to watch their sugar level all the time, need to eat a certain amount of additional food every day. That’s why we call it a “diabetics” meal: three meals a day. The main meals of the day are breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Here’s a 7-day recipe for breakfast:

4. Snacks between the main meals and before bedtime

One of the best ways to control blood sugar levels is by eating the right foods. Diabetics need to be careful about what they eat because it is a factor in how well they control their blood sugar levels. However, many other factors could affect how well we control our blood sugar.
What if I told you that you could sum up all of those factors by simply looking at your refrigerator? If someone were to put a stopwatch on your food consumption, they would probably see that you consume approximately three meals a day, and one snack between each main meal. What if I told you that you could sum up all of those factors by simply looking at your refrigerator?
If I were to take a bite from my dinner and read in one line:
“5 ‘snacks’ for breakfast, 7 snacks for lunch, 5 snacks for dinner”,
I think most people would agree it would indeed be easier to eat some crisp vegetables in the morning than an entire bag of potato chips. If I were to take a bite from my dinner and read in one line: “5 ‘snacks’ for breakfast, 7 snacks for lunch, 5 snacks for dinner”, I think most people would agree it would indeed be easier to eat some crisp vegetables in the morning than an entire bag of potato chips.
Let me tell you why: because snacking is often done on very small portions; and because snacks don't contain fat or sugar (which can cause spikes in blood sugar). When we overeat with fat or sugar we become insulin resistant — which means that our bodies have less ability to regulate insulin levels and we can sustain swings higher than normal which leads us to become diabetics. These swings are often very uncomfortable and many people end up feeling bad after eating them! (It also happens when we skip meals — as they take longer to digest). Let me tell you why: because snacking is often done on very small portions; and because snacks don't contain fat or sugar (which can cause spikes in blood sugar). When we overeat with fat or sugar we become insulin resistant — which means that our bodies have less ability to regulate insulin levels and we can sustain swings higher than normal which leads us to become diabetics. These swings are often very uncomfortable and many people end up feeling bad after eating them! (It also happens when we skip meals — as they take longer to digest).
So not only

5. Breakfast recipes (1-day menu)

We’d like to share a few recipes that can be easily put together in a day. They are mostly low-fat and nutrient-rich, but this is not what they do: they are quick, simple, and easy to make, yet incredibly satisfying.
One of my favorite breakfast foods is homemade banana bread. The best way to make it is to use two bananas (and a little sugar or honey), peel them, and cut each banana into slices about 1/4 inch thick. Depending on how large the slices are you will need anywhere from 3 to 4 medium bananas.
The first step is to let the sugar melt in the banana slices and cook them until the syrup starts to bubble up around the edges of the bananas. This takes about 10 minutes for 4 pieces of fruit (or 5 pieces for 6). When done, let them cool down for an hour or so before working with them again. Heat them just enough to bring out their flavor, which should be bright and clear.
Once they are warmed up enough, put them into a bowl (preferably metal) with a good portion of your favorite breakfast cereal along with some peanut butter and maybe honey if you have it available (that’s my go-to combination). Now you are ready to eat!
You could add cheese or some other nut butter on top, but I think it would get lost amidst all the cereal goodness. If you do that, I recommend peeling one banana after you spread out the cereal onto it so that you can eat it with as little effort as possible as well as avoiding all excess food contamination (puddles of melted sugar on your clothes or fingers). These pancakes also freeze well so that once you’re done eating half of them and realize how hungry you still are, you can start another batch right away!

6. Lunch recipes (1-day menu)

You can get quite a lot of information from the internet, but following it is not always that simple. If you take every piece of writing on diabetics, for example, and only focus on the things that apply to you (for example, “how many meals a day should I have”), it may be that what you need is more specific instructions.
This is because:
• No one person has exactly the same nutritional requirements as another;
• The number of nutrients required in different people will vary according to their age (for example, some people eat too little calcium and others too much);
• Different people require different foods to provide them with specific nutritional needs;
• Similarly, different food items contain different amounts of nutrients;
When we say that a person requires “calcium” or “protein” or “vitamin B1” or whatever — we are talking about what these foods actually do for the body. In other words, we are talking about how these foods support the body in terms of energy production and general health (making us feel good). We are also talking about how these foods support our bones and teeth, which means they also help us avoid osteoporosis. And so on.
So when we talk about consuming food we mean taking into account: 1) what food contains 2) how much 3) how much should be taken with what 3) when it should be taken 4) how long it will last in our bodies 5) which vitamins it will provide 6) whether it will cause any side effects 7) where the food is going to come from 8) which nutrients are contained in it 9) whether its source is sustainable 10) whether its safety has been verified 11). A quick trip down the nutrition facts label can give you all this information. As an example:
An important note here: there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution here. It might be better if you specifically looked at each item on your list and weighed them against each other to get a more realistic picture of what fits your dietary needs. You could then choose just one type of food that fits all those requirements and carry out testing on those meals until you find something that works for you (and even then, there may be lots of variables involved). Having said this, there are some things I do know for sure:
1.) Diabetics need to take control

7. Dinner

You’ve probably thought about dieting, but haven’t really given it a lot of thought. I think that most people who have tried to lose weight and failed are overweight or obese, which means they have diabetes. Diabetics have their own special challenges, though!
There are many diabetics whose blood sugar just isn’t able to keep up with the demands of the daily diet. Their blood sugar is out of balance often because they eat too much and too little (sometimes too frequently); or because they eat too much and not enough (sometimes too infrequently).
What I’d like to do today is talk about how diabetics should figure out how to do food logging for diabetics. It will be more detailed than what people typically need, but I’ll mostly just describe a few basic things that we all need to know. In particular, it will be very helpful if you can tell me what your blood sugar usually looks like when you eat — if you can measure it yourself!
Most importantly, you need to know what foods are best for your blood sugar level and what foods aren’t so good for it (they should be named!). Don’t worry about “best for type A” or “best for type B.” Those terms are used in the medical world but in our everyday life we don't generally consider them; instead, we just use “what works for me.” So there is no good reason why you shouldn't use "good" as a term for something that does work!
We also need to decide how much food we want to eat each day — not just what happens when we want something, but also how much variety is appropriate in our diets:
• Do I want all meals to be alike? Or would it be healthier if they were different?
• Do I want my meals to be large portions of single-serving snacks? What would smaller portions look like? How small would a portion look like?
To answer this question requires some basic knowledge of diabetes: talking with people who have diabetes or reading at least one book on the subject — may be even making an appointment with a physician who has studied diabetes (or even one of those fancy apps that diagnose blood glucose levels). You'll need a couple books on the topic and maybe even some videos as well — not so much money as time, though! There is a

Friday, January 7, 2022

35-year-old type 2 new sugar pal, keep track of anti-diabetic treatment.

 35-year-old type 2 new sugar pal, keep track of anti-diabetic treatment.

Because of irregular menstruation, I went to the hospital for a blood test. At 16.9, I had an empty stomach. I was terrified about going to see the diabetic specialist. I went to see a diabetic specialist at 11 a.m. on an empty stomach and at 20 a.m. after a meal. The doctor diagnosed me with standard type 2 diabetes.

I seldom consume high-oil, high-sugar items. I'm not a fan of sweets, fruits, fats, or offal. I consume a bowl and a half of rice every day for two meals. My food is less greasy and salty. I do some exercise every day, and I'm not too old for it. Why is diabetes affecting me?

Then I remembered that my father and grandpa are also typed II, and I accepted my fate and began taking the medication at the doctor's suggestion. I take one Andatone pill on an empty stomach in the morning and two metformin tablets three times a day after meals.

When you begin taking the medication, it becomes more effective. The blood sugar declined to 6.5 on an empty stomach, 6.7 one hour after a meal, and 6.5 two hours after a meal on the third day after eating. Taking metformin, on the other hand, was excruciatingly unpleasant; my stomach was indigestible, I was sick, and I couldn't smell anything for a day. On the third day, after dropping a pound, I vomited uncontrollably. My blood sugar spiked to 11.5, then dropped to 5.5 before going to bed.

I couldn't take it anymore. I went to the doctor on the fourth day to have my dressing changed. My blood sugar levels had decreased significantly, according to the doctor, and my diet was well-controlled. He advised me to reduce my metformin dosage to half a pill every meal. #sugarlevels#

I feel better now that I've switched to Tang Ping. Two hours after the meal, the blood sugar is between 6.5-7.1, and the fasting blood sugar is between 6.2-6.5, which is still a little high. It has been constant at this level in recent days.

I now eat three meals each day, each with half a bowl of rice, some vegetables, cucumbers, a little lean meat, a bag of sugar-free yogurt when I am hungry in the afternoon, and a bag of skimmed milk before bed. I'm not sure if it's okay to eat like this.

To complement meat, patients with diabetes should consume 2 legs in the morning, 4 legs at midday, and no legs at night. The precise amount is determined by your own circumstances. It appears that your present diet is a little less, and nutrition will not keep up in the long term.

There is also physical activity. Take 5,000 steps first thing in the morning, then jog or walk briskly for 5,000 to 7,000 steps after supper.

I ate half a slice of Bai Tang Ping, scrambled eggs with bitter gourd, fried chicken breast with green pepper, half a bowl of rice mixed with oatmeal rice at lunchtime, did not exercise, and my blood sugar was 7.8 two hours later.

Inadequate protein, weak muscles, walking, and other activities are all worthless; heart rate and strength cannot increase, and physical fitness does not improve. Increase skeletal muscle mobility to truly cure the problem. Inadequate muscles and unstable blood sugar levels

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

What if a diabetic want to consume alcohol?

 What if a diabetic want to consume alcohol?

Some people believe that drinking can help them eat fewer meals, which is beneficial to their diet. Alcohol is also thought to relax muscles and increase blood circulation, which will benefit diabetics with macrovascular disease. In truth, for diabetic people, alcohol offers both perks and dangers.

For starters, diabetes patients' routine eating habits may be influenced by alcohol usage. After the wine has been consumed, how can we not have some meat as a snack? This time of year, the temperature is expected to surpass the norm.

Second, drinking increases the likelihood of hypoglycemia in patients. Each gram of alcohol has 7 kilocalories, and the patient does consume less calories as a result of drinking. However, alcohol is quickly absorbed and digested, and the blood sugar level created by alcohol cannot be sustained for an extended period of time. Furthermore, alcohol can promote insulin production, and insulin has the effect of reducing blood sugar. As a result, blood sugar levels may be lower than usual immediately after eating a meal. Low blood sugar is more dangerous than high blood sugar, especially for many older individuals. It can cause coma or even death in extreme circumstances.

Third, alcohol may interact negatively with hypoglycemic medications. Due to drinking, certain patients on sulfonylurea hypoglycemic medicines may experience adverse effects such as face hot flushes, palpitation, and shortness of breath.

Drinking in diabetes people is harmful to blood lipid regulation and can lead to fatty liver and cirrhosis. Drinking alcohol increases the risk of weight gain in obese diabetes individuals and may also induce a rise in blood uric acid.

Some diabetes individuals have a lengthy history of drinking and find it difficult to stop for an extended period of time. To transition, consume a modest quantity of beer (no more than one tin per day) or unsweetened color wine (such as dry red, dry white, and yellow wine, no more than four taels) at this time. When consuming alcohol, it should not interfere with proper meals and should not create any negative side effects.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Is a microalbumin of 28.18 in diabetic urine normal?

 Is a microalbumin of 28.18 in diabetic urine normal?

Urine microalbumin level suggests early nephropathy and kidney damage. Diabetic nephropathy, hypertension, and pregnant preeclampsia all show a pathological rise. Urinary microalbumin in the early stages is a warning sign and forerunner of nephropathy. At this point, the kidney damage is still recoverable. If treated promptly, nephropathy can be stopped or reversed. Urine microalbumin detection can be utilized as a renal function indicator for systemic or local inflammation, such as early renal illness induced by urinary tract infections; predictive indicators for acute pancreatitis complications; and also for people using medicines that influence renal function. Urine microalbumin detection is useful for monitoring renal function and taking early interventions.

Reference range of normal value:<20mg/L

It makes little sense to focus just on microalbumin since it is highly sensitive, and the specific gravity of urine varies substantially. Simply put, drinking less water causes the urine to concentrate microalbumin, whereas drinking more water causes the urine to dilute microalbumin. Because it is so low, determining if there is kidney injury with basic microalbumin is challenging. As a result, the urine creatinine ratio should be utilized to screen for microalbumin. Microalbumin is corrected using urine creatinine. The ratio of microalbumin to creatinine is the name given to this test. The ACR ACR ratio is linked to early kidney damage, according to the professional term. The ratio isn't too low, and it's about right. It is induced by the concentration of urine. As a result, you must double-check the ratio.

Friday, December 3, 2021

4 precautions for diabetic patients in winter

 4 precautions for diabetic patients in winter

Diabetes is more common in the winter, and it makes disease control more difficult for people who already have diabetes. As a result, people with diabetes must exercise caution when it comes to winter protection. Winter is more than just a reduction in temperature. In the winter, it will have a variety of impacts on patients, which can easily lead to a variety of difficulties.

What issues should diabetic patients be concerned about throughout the winter?

1. Pay close attention to blood sugar regulation.

The chilly air temperature in winter immediately activates people's sympathetic nerves, causing the body's release of tea phenolamines to rise. Diabetic individuals will have elevated blood sugar levels as a result of this condition. As a result, diabetic individuals are frequently stimulated by cold air for extended periods of time throughout the winter, resulting in a variety of diabetes issues. Some individuals will also have vasoconstriction as a result of the temperature drop, resulting in hypertension symptoms.

2. Pay attention to your body's calorie requirements.

In the winter, the body's calorie demands are higher, and most people experience a large increase in hunger, preferring a range of high-calorie meals when eating. People with diabetes, on the other hand, cannot pick high-calorie foods arbitrarily since most high-calorie foods produce blood sugar changes, and big blood sugar variations might lead to problems. In this instance, it is vital to complement nutrition with high-fiber and high-protein meals that may not only fulfill the demands of the body but also boost blood sugar regulation.

3. Improve the circulatory system's performance

Because blood circulation is impacted by the ambient temperature, it is simple to disrupt the circulatory system's function in the winter. When the temperature drops, circulation suffers, and the nearby limbs get chilly. Diabetes' circulatory system function is linked to blood sugar regulation in several ways. If the circulatory system is unable to function properly as a result of the season's long-term influence, it will result in the problem of elevated blood sugar. Exercise is required at this time to successfully enhance the circulatory system and assist patients in controlling blood sugar.

4. Take skin-care precautions

Many people will have dry skin in the winter, and in severe situations, it can also cause skin irritation. Diabetes patients might suffer from skin dryness and irritation. This ailment is particularly noticeable in the winter and is difficult to manage. Patients may cause skin injury and infection as a result of the simultaneous effect of nerve endings and environmental causes.


Diabetic causes a slew of issues, most of which are connected to diabetes complications. As a result, a similar check should be carried out over the winter. If the patients are physically weak, they should make preparations ahead of time before winter arrives to prevent being influenced by external elements for an extended period of time and producing infections.

Friday, November 19, 2021

How much is fasting urine sugar is diabetes?

 How much is fasting urine sugar is diabetes? How can you know if you are diabetic?

Fasting to the hospital to check blood sugar, higher than 7 is diabetes! Normal is less than 6.1. The main symptoms of diabetes are three high and one low, drink more, eat more, and make more urine, but lose weight.

The reference value of fasting blood glucose in normal people is 3.9 to 6.1. If you repeatedly measure blood sugar levels above normal levels, consider diabetes. It is suggested that you should check your fasting blood glucose in a regular hospital. Don't eat foods with high sugar content a few days ago!