Showing posts with label diabetic treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diabetic treatment. Show all posts

Friday, January 7, 2022

35-year-old type 2 new sugar pal, keep track of anti-diabetic treatment.

 35-year-old type 2 new sugar pal, keep track of anti-diabetic treatment.

Because of irregular menstruation, I went to the hospital for a blood test. At 16.9, I had an empty stomach. I was terrified about going to see the diabetic specialist. I went to see a diabetic specialist at 11 a.m. on an empty stomach and at 20 a.m. after a meal. The doctor diagnosed me with standard type 2 diabetes.

I seldom consume high-oil, high-sugar items. I'm not a fan of sweets, fruits, fats, or offal. I consume a bowl and a half of rice every day for two meals. My food is less greasy and salty. I do some exercise every day, and I'm not too old for it. Why is diabetes affecting me?

Then I remembered that my father and grandpa are also typed II, and I accepted my fate and began taking the medication at the doctor's suggestion. I take one Andatone pill on an empty stomach in the morning and two metformin tablets three times a day after meals.

When you begin taking the medication, it becomes more effective. The blood sugar declined to 6.5 on an empty stomach, 6.7 one hour after a meal, and 6.5 two hours after a meal on the third day after eating. Taking metformin, on the other hand, was excruciatingly unpleasant; my stomach was indigestible, I was sick, and I couldn't smell anything for a day. On the third day, after dropping a pound, I vomited uncontrollably. My blood sugar spiked to 11.5, then dropped to 5.5 before going to bed.

I couldn't take it anymore. I went to the doctor on the fourth day to have my dressing changed. My blood sugar levels had decreased significantly, according to the doctor, and my diet was well-controlled. He advised me to reduce my metformin dosage to half a pill every meal. #sugarlevels#

I feel better now that I've switched to Tang Ping. Two hours after the meal, the blood sugar is between 6.5-7.1, and the fasting blood sugar is between 6.2-6.5, which is still a little high. It has been constant at this level in recent days.

I now eat three meals each day, each with half a bowl of rice, some vegetables, cucumbers, a little lean meat, a bag of sugar-free yogurt when I am hungry in the afternoon, and a bag of skimmed milk before bed. I'm not sure if it's okay to eat like this.

To complement meat, patients with diabetes should consume 2 legs in the morning, 4 legs at midday, and no legs at night. The precise amount is determined by your own circumstances. It appears that your present diet is a little less, and nutrition will not keep up in the long term.

There is also physical activity. Take 5,000 steps first thing in the morning, then jog or walk briskly for 5,000 to 7,000 steps after supper.

I ate half a slice of Bai Tang Ping, scrambled eggs with bitter gourd, fried chicken breast with green pepper, half a bowl of rice mixed with oatmeal rice at lunchtime, did not exercise, and my blood sugar was 7.8 two hours later.

Inadequate protein, weak muscles, walking, and other activities are all worthless; heart rate and strength cannot increase, and physical fitness does not improve. Increase skeletal muscle mobility to truly cure the problem. Inadequate muscles and unstable blood sugar levels