Showing posts with label reversing sugar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reversing sugar. Show all posts

Saturday, January 8, 2022

A road to reversing sugar in a young obese type 2 patient.

 The road to sugar reversal in young obese type 2 patients.

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2017 when I was only 27 years old, and the situation was still very bad. When I was diagnosed, my blood sugar was very high. 

The first time I measured my blood sugar was 22 o'clock, and the blood glucose meter directly exploded afterward. 

After a series of examinations, it was found that my body had severe insulin resistance. I used to consume 55 units of insulin aspart in the morning, midnight and evening, and I had to take 2 kinds of oral hypoglycemic drugs for combined treatment. 

The cost of the medicine would cost about 400 a month. The key is that the fasting blood sugar can only be used. Stable at around 12. Recently, I discovered that many sugar friends have discovered it earlier, without too many complications, and insulin resistance is not very serious. 

Then I also found that many people have a very negative feelings about this disease. After all, all doctors nowadays will tell you: If this disease is not cured, you have to take medicine for life. Then some people will tell you what traditional Chinese medicine is good, acupuncture can cure and cut the roots, and the sugar friends who are often popular science know that these are only liars who insult our traditional Chinese medicine. 

I am posting this post to share with you my own personal experience. I hope that all sugar friends have a basic understanding of this disease and don’t panic too much. In fact, diabetes is not terrible. The terrible thing is some complications caused by elevated blood sugar. 

If it is discovered early, there is still the possibility of recovery if treated early. At that time, I didn't know enough about the disease, and I didn't take it seriously if there were no other negative symptoms. I just thought that taking the medicine according to the doctor's advice, as long as there are no other problems.

At that time, I was still young. Less than 2 years later, the liver abscess was caused by poor blood sugar control. 

At that time, the liver was almost cut. The hepatobiliary doctor also told me that the liver is a regenerating tissue, but at least within 5 years. Can't do heavy work or something. 

When I heard the doctor's words, tears from a big man of mine burst into his eyes. Later, I chose conservative treatment by myself. After 2 months of antibiotics, I slowly controlled it. Since then, I personally began to pay attention to the indicator of blood sugar.

After slowly learning some pathological knowledge, I was able to barely control blood sugar at about 10. This year, after being hospitalized because of poor blood sugar control, the hospital was able to control blood sugar after using the latest "liraglutide". It's around 8-10. 

A few months ago, a patient who had been hospitalized with me told me: He recently received an inverse glucose treatment in a hospital, and the effect was good. 

He has achieved a level of stable blood sugar without injections and medicines. I was dubious at first, but then I thought I might as well try it, so I went to this hospital for treatment. 

They are nothing like Chinese medicine. They actually teach you to control your carbohydrate intake, and then deploy your nutrition from all aspects, so that you can get rid of hypoglycemic drugs and control your blood sugar. 

They advertise that it takes 3 months to manage your diet and living habits, with diet control as the mainstay, supplemented by traditional Chinese medicine. Diabetes can even be "reversed" in the later stages. Why do I put quotation marks on this reversal?

 Because so far, I have accepted the treatment plan for about a month, and my blood sugar is indeed very stable. 

Now I don’t take injections and medicines, and my blood sugar is even better than when I took medicines. But I don’t know if I can really "reverse" in the later stage, so I will record my own sugar reversal situation and give you a reference.

This post is just to share with you my own feelings and curative effects during this period, and I will update my personal latest blood sugar situation and some recipes provided by the hospital from time to time. It is a reference for all sugar friends, personally I feel that their program has a significant effect on obese diabetic patients.

After all, everyone's physique and situation are different. I think this method has reference significance. Sugar friends who are worth learning from, can look at my updated content and learn from each other.

But I do not recommend that you take the same treatment as me. After all, the conditions of the few sugar friends I treat at the same time here are different, and the recipes are different. After all, everyone’s age, other underlying diseases, and medical history , Even the basal metabolic rate is different. My diet here is a bit similar to the "ketogenic weight loss method" mentioned by some fitness professionals. This also has a certain risk for diabetics to cause ketoacidosis.

If you think that the patients who are reasonable in my analysis, the suggestion is to consider taking care of your own blood sugar management under the guidance of a specialized nutritionist.