Showing posts with label Diet prevention and treatment of diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet prevention and treatment of diabetes. Show all posts

Sunday, November 14, 2021

4 new discoveries in diet prevention and treatment of diabetes

 4 new discoveries in diet prevention and treatment of diabetes

The relationship between diet and diabetes is very close. Regardless of the severity and urgency of diabetes, whether there are complications, whether to use insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs for treatment, attention must be paid to diet. In order to help diabetics to diet, the US health day website introduced 4 new discoveries on diabetes prevention and treatment:

1., eating asparagus can promote insulin excretion. Recently, researchers at Karachi University in Pakistan found that asparagus can control blood glucose level more effectively, promote insulin excretion and improve glucose absorption in a clinical study. Scientists from Karachi University randomly divided dozens of experimental rats with diabetes into two groups, leaving them with asparagus extract and glibenclamide. The results showed that the experimental rats with diabetes could effectively manipulate blood glucose level after taking small doses of asparagus extract, and significantly increased the excretion of insulin after taking a large dose of asparagus extract. The researchers estimate that after taking asparagus extract, diabetics can increase the absorption rate of glucose by 81% of the muscle and other arrangements, thereby achieving a significant hypoglycemic effect. Therefore, diabetics can eat more asparagus at ordinary times.

2. diabetes patients eat biscuits more dangerous than sugar. Pulp is an important sweetener. Its production cost is low, and its taste is fresh. Therefore, it is widely used in making biscuits, carbonated drinks, fruit juice drinks, ice cream and various kinds of frozen foods. Not long ago, researchers at University of Oxford found that the amount of fruit pulp consumed was closely related to the risk of diabetes. Compared with a lot of sucrose, diabetics increase their blood sugar faster after eating biscuits containing many fruit pulp. Professor Stanley uly JASCO, one of the leaders of the study, pointed out that their research team investigated the intake of fruit pulp by residents in 42 countries. The results showed that people with regular intake of fruit pulp had a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with those who ate less fruit pulp. The more people ate the fruit pulp, the higher the risk of diabetes was, the higher the 20%. intake. The special harm of food and drinks containing fruit pulp to human body is that it is difficult for people to feel "full" after eating such food, so they often eat more food unconsciously, leading to obesity.

3. diabetes patients are jealous and can reduce blood sugar steadily. Recently, the daily mail of the United Kingdom pointed out that people who have diabetes often drink vinegar to reduce the effect of postprandial blood glucose and increase their insulin sensitivity. 19%. Swedish researchers found that in comparison with those who do not eat vinegar, they often eat vinegar dip bread and vinegar fish rice and vegetable roll. The blood glucose level of diabetic patients decreased significantly within 30 minutes after meal, and it was not easy to feel hungry. Researchers pointed out that the hypoglycemic mechanism of vinegar mainly includes the following two points:

① Acetic acid contained in vinegar can inhibit the activity of amylase and slow down the decomposition of starch into glucose.

② Acetic acid can make food stay in the stomach for a long time, delay the emptying time of the stomach and increase the sense of satiety, so that people are not easy to feel hungry. In order to lower blood sugar more smoothly, diabetics can drink two tablespoons of rice vinegar before meals, and can also produce rice vinegar when making cold dishes, stir frying vegetables and stew. The need to note is that people with diabetes, who are suffering from peptic ulcer, are taking sodium bicarbonate and gastric ulcer as basic drugs, should not be jealous. Fruit vinegar beverage belongs to sweet beverage, which contains more sugar and less acetic acid, and does not have the effect of reducing blood sugar.

4. often eat steamed fish to prevent diabetic nephropathy. Recently, Dr. Amanda Adler of the Arden Brooke Hospital of University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom wrote in the Journal of the American kidney journal, the official journal of the national nephrotic foundation. Diabetics eat fish 2 times a week to effectively prevent diabetic nephropathy. He conducted a systematic discussion on the dietary habits of 22 thousand middle-aged and elderly people, and found that 18% of the diabetic patients who had fish eating frequency below 1 times a week showed proteinuria. Only 4% of diabetic patients who had fish eating frequency higher than 1 times a week showed proteinuria. Adler pointed out that fish oil has the effect of improving blood lipids in the body, preventing nephropathy and protecting the kidneys. Therefore, eating more fish in diabetic patients can prevent diabetic kidney more effectively.