Showing posts with label effectively prevent diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label effectively prevent diabetes. Show all posts

Thursday, December 23, 2021

How do young people prevent diabetes? 4 ways to effectively prevent diabetes.

 How do young people prevent diabetes? 4 ways to effectively prevent diabetes.

Nowadays, due to the increasing incidence of diabetes, many people have the psychology of preventing diabetes. Do you know how young people should prevent the occurrence of diabetes? What are the harms of diabetes to our body? Diabetes What matters should patients pay attention to? Let's find out with the editor.

How to prevent diabetes in young people.

1. Diet treatment

Control the total calorie intake of food every day, and the daily diet should be low fat, moderate protein, and high carbohydrate. Promote a high-fiber diet, a light diet, adhere to small and frequent meals, and set regular and quantitative meals;

2. Appropriate exercise

Physical exercise should be carried out after meals, and the time should not be long and the intensity should not be high;

3. Medication

Including oral medications and insulin;

4. Blood glucose monitoring

Patients need to master self-blood glucose monitoring technology, learn how to monitor blood glucose and how often.

Early symptoms of diabetes.

1. Polyuria

The urine output is large, and the urine output can reach 5000~10000ml in 24 hours, but the elderly and those with kidney disease may not have obvious polyuria.

2. Drink more

Often feel thirsty and drink too much, which will further aggravate polyuria.

3. Eat more

Patients with diabetes will have excessive eating, hyperappetite, and often feel hungry and overeating.

4. Weight loss

The weight continued to drop, and the body was significantly thinner. Through reasonable treatment of diabetes, weight loss can be controlled and even rebounded.

5. Weakness

Diabetes patients will feel fatigued and lethargic.

6. Decreased vision

Diabetes patients may also have decreased vision. If blood sugar is well controlled, vision can return to normal sooner.

Complications of diabetes

1. Diabetic cardio-cerebrovascular disease

Diabetics are often accompanied by hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and atherosclerosis, and they are very susceptible to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a disease that is extremely harmful to diabetic patients.

3. Diabetic eye disease

There are 7 common eye diseases complicated by diabetes: diabetic retinopathy, diabetic uveitis, diabetic cataract, diabetic optic nerve changes, diabetic retinal lipemia, diabetic glaucoma, diabetic refractive changes.

4. Diabetic neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is the general term for many diseases of the nervous system caused by diabetes.

The dangers of diabetes

1. Cause mental pressure and physical inconvenience and pain to the patient. With kidney disease and without kidney disease, the physical condition is different, the quality of life is different, and the threats, mental stress and depression that cause depression are also different.

2. Although diabetes is not as easy to cause sudden death as heart disease, it is also an important cause of death in diabetic patients. The majority of deaths from diabetes seen in clinical practice are patients with type 1 diabetes.

Because the age of onset of type 1 diabetes is relatively young, the progress is faster, the kidney function is relatively poor, and finally heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and kidney disease will occur.

Kidney disease is closely related to heart disease. Kidney disease will definitely cause disability. For example, dialysis patients cannot live like normal people. In addition, the premature death of kidney disease patients is certain. If you get uremia in your twenties, you will almost not live the life of a normal person.

3. Cause huge economic waste. For example, dialysis, patients with kidney disease generally require dialysis twice a week. If there is less dialysis, there will be more waste in the blood, and people will suffer.

Precautions for diabetic patients

Diabetes patients are not easy to eat too full, and can not eat too sweet food, everything should be appropriate, but also pay attention to nutrition. Diabetes patients are prone to cause hypoglycemia during the treatment process. When the blood sugar drops too quickly, hypoglycemia occurs.

Adult diabetic patients often cause hypoglycemia due to omission of meals or delayed meal times or intense exercise. Symptoms of mild hypoglycemia include mouth numbness, clammy skin, trembling sensation in the chest, and hunger.

Conclusion: The article has introduced many ways to prevent diabetes. If you want to prevent the occurrence of diabetes, you may wish to try the methods provided in the article. These methods can play a very good preventive role. In addition, although diabetes is not like the heart The disease is as easy to cause sudden death, but the disease is also an important cause of death in diabetic patients.