Showing posts with label What is the reason for getting diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is the reason for getting diabetes. Show all posts

Thursday, November 25, 2021

What is the reason for getting diabetes?

 What is the reason for getting diabetes?

As the age increases, the functions of the body begin to fade away, and the risk of diabetes will increase. Many people do not know what the reason is. So what do you know about diabetes? Let's have a look.

1. Changes in the way of life

Now that life is getting better and better, many adults have type 2 diabetes, mainly because of their bad habits. Too fat and little exercise simply leads to type 2 diabetes. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, a healthy lifestyle is indispensable. Eat less greasy food, eat more fruits and vegetables, daily exercise can greatly avoid the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, even now has type 2 diabetes, can also be treated by this way, after all, the type 2 diabetes is related to the way of life.

2. Environmental reasons

As you get older, the body's blood circulation and metabolic power naturally begin to decline, the utilization rate of glucose and body tissue for sugar also decline, and the energy demand is less, especially the demand for carbohydrates is smaller. Naturally, the tolerance of glucose is lower, so the sugars in the body gradually accumulate.

3. Physiological aging

It has been found that insulin can be secreted in the islet structure of the elderly β Cell volume decreased, but blood glucose increased α Cells increase and fibrous tissue proliferates, which is easy to show the decline of glucose tolerance, the decline of glucose metabolism, the delay of insulin release and the increase of blood glucose.

Some studies also showed that the fasting blood glucose and postprandial blood glucose of the elderly increased in varying degrees, and the fasting blood glucose increased by 0.05-0.112 mmol / L and the postprandial blood glucose increased by 1.67-2.78 mmol / l every 10 years of age.

4. Proinsulin cause

There is no more than one word. Proinsulin is a precursor of insulin. It consists of insulin and C peptide. It has two layers of immune activity. With the aging of the body, the synthesis and secretion of insulin decrease extremely, because the high synthetic proinsulin has entered into the blood without transforming into insulin, resulting in the decrease of insulin level and the onset of diabetes.