Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Diabetes is constructed in a basic and easy-to-understand manner!

 Diabetes is constructed in a basic and easy-to-understand manner!

I've heard a lot about diabetes, but I'm not sure how it develops. I'm not sure how to eat healthy to avoid diabetes. Allow medical cartoons to explain how diabetes develops.

Diabetes is becoming increasingly widespread, however many people still believe it is like this:

The sugar that causes diabetes is not the sugar we eat, but rather the glucose created in the body by certain meals.

When our bodies manufacture more glucose than our bodies require, a hormone is released to coordinate the distribution of glucose.

Insulin has a leader known as -cell, and he manages the amount of insulin employees in a reasonable manner.

Let's have a look at how diabetes develops step by step.

When he was younger, the elderly Wang next door enjoyed regular exercise and a healthy diet. His body ingested more glucose during this time, and his insulin job was quite simple.

As the job supervisor begins to smoke and lacks exercise, more glucose accumulates in the body, and insulin becomes overworked:

This way of living has persisted. Pharaoh's blessings are increasing, and the insulins in his body are becoming more bitter:

Under such long-term high-load labor, beta cells and insulin are expected to look like this:

Three more and one less are the most typical symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

1. Urinate too much

As a result of insulin resistance, the body can only rely on urine to excrete glucose.

2. Fat reduction

In the middle and late stages of diabetes, insulin resistance and β-cell damage make the body unable to use glucose, and the body will promote the breakdown of fats to produce energy.

3. Drink more

Elevated blood sugar leads to an increase in plasma osmotic pressure, which stimulates the thirst center.

4. Eat more

Insulin strikes (insulin resistance), glucose in the body cannot be transported to the energy zone normally, resulting in a sense of hunger.

This is a typical case of type I diabetes. Type I diabetes is often caused by inheritance, development, infection, and other factors that cause beta cells to be destroyed before the body becomes fat.

To put it simply, gestational diabetes occurs when a large amount of pregnancy hormones bind to insulin, resulting in insulin resistance.

Diabetes is not a bad disease in and of itself. The worst part is the difficulties. Just hearing the titles of those issues is enough to make you want to have a cup of tea.

Although the problems are dreadful, they will not manifest themselves as long as the blood sugar level remains low. The procedure of reducing blood sugar must be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Exercise is an excellent strategy to reduce blood sugar levels.