Monday, November 15, 2021

10 people have 1 diabetes? How's my health?

 10 people have 1 diabetes? How's my health?

November 14th is the United Nations diabetes day.

Diabetes is a common chronic disease. In 2017, 114 million 400 thousand of China's 20~79 year olds had the highest number of diabetes in the world. The rate of diagnosis of diabetes in China is only 30~40%. That is, only 3-4 of every 10 diabetic patients know that they are ill.

According to the China cardiovascular health and disease statement (2019) released by the National Cardiovascular Center, according to the enquiry of 170287 residents aged 18 or above in 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, the prevalence of prediabetes is 35.7%. That is to say, 500 million people may suffer from diabetes.

Diabetes endangering the population is very extensive. Everyone should understand it and eliminate it.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia. The primary reason is the defect or abnormality of insulin secretion. Failure to control the condition will lead to chronic hazards and dysfunction of various arrangements, especially eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels and nerves.

Diabetes is divided into 1 types: type 2 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, special diabetes and gestational diabetes. But type 2 diabetes is most common, accounting for over 95% of diabetes in China.

Type 2 diabetes often starts at about 40 years old. There are no symptoms in the early stage, so it is extremely concealed. Many patients find themselves ill after chronic complications. At this point, the pain is hard to reverse.

The hospital told me that the common complications included cataract, hypertension, diabetic foot and kidney disease.

How to prevent diabetes?

According to the China diabetes prevention strategy published in the April 2021 Chinese Diabetes Journal (2020 Edition), diabetes prevention can be divided into the following ways: 2

1. To deal with diabetes in all age groups, to control the risk factors of type 2 diabetes and prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes:

Control weight: recover the BMI of overweight or obese people to normal value, BMI < 24. (weight ÷ square of height = BMI index)

Diet management: eat more vegetables, less sugar, salt and fat, do not eat alcohol and tobacco, eat a balanced diet and control intake.

Keep exercising: keep aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes every week, improve metabolism and reduce blood glucose.

2. Diabetes management for high-risk groups: disease screening and health intervention in high-risk groups.

Physical examination: the general physical examination or blood glucose, blood pressure, blood lipid and other policies shall be carried out every 3-6 months until all policies are normal, and the general physical examination can be carried out once a year. (guidelines can refer to type 2 diabetes mellitus induction operation guideline).

Drug intervention: if you can't control the policy by changing your living habits, eating and exercising, you should see a doctor in time and decide whether drug intervention is needed according to the doctor's opinion.

We hope that we can understand diabetes in the propaganda of International Diabetes Day, and know that everyone is likely to get sick instead of indulging themselves. We also hope that we can attach importance to diabetes, help our friends and relatives, and keep them away from the disease.

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