Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The rise and fall of blood glucose fluctuates greatly. Is there a clinical disease omen?

 The rise and fall of blood glucose fluctuates greatly. Is there a clinical disease omen?

Description: diabetes four years ago, due to heart failure, coronary heart disease surgery, has healed. Now suddenly, the daily blood sugar fluctuates greatly and has been treated with drugs.

Blood sugar shakes greatly. First of all, we should clarify the causes of shaking. For example, diet, physical stress changes, unreasonable hypoglycemic plan, etc. It is suggested that you go to the endocrinology specialty to check the etiology, and then give symptomatic treatment for the appeal problem. Islet function test can be carried out to determine whether brittle blood glucose shake is caused by islet failure.

Diabetes came out four years ago. Has it been hypoglycemic drugs or insulin control? Is blood sugar stable all the time? What causes heart failure, coronary heart disease? Did you make a support or a bridge? How big is the fluctuation of blood sugar now? Has the plan of hypoglycemic treatment changed? You didn't make it clear. Please send your blood glucose value, operation records and hypoglycemic plan.

The above is the proposition of "blood glucose fluctuates greatly, is there a clinical disease omen". I hope it will be helpful to you. I wish you good health!

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