Tuesday, November 23, 2021

How to prevent diabetes

 How to prevent diabetes

1. Stay away from plastic products

Phthalate two in the blood can increase the risk of diabetes. A large number of plastic products were found to contain this chemical composition, including building materials, packaging bags, toys, cosmetics and so on.

2. Often stand up and walk around

If you stand up and walk for two minutes after sitting for three or four hours, your body can better control postprandial glucose and insulin levels, which will maintain the arteries and heart.

3. Eat dairy products every day

The researchers estimate that certain proteins in dairy products can increase insulin excretion. In addition, interactions between vitamin D, calcium and magnesium in dairy products may also reduce the risk of diabetes.

4. Eat more "miscellaneous" food

People who eat the most fruits and vegetables (about 6 per day) are 21% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who eat the least. It's best to make sure you eat one kind of fruit or vegetable per meal and change patterns or cook in different ways every day.

5. Healthy slimming

If you want to lose weight, please start now and don't wait for yourself to lose weight. Please kindly look at yourself in the mirror, find the part you want to change, and constantly affirm your efforts, so as to add determination, instead of "fishing in three days and drying the net in two days".

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