Thursday, November 25, 2021

What is the reason for getting diabetes?

 What is the reason for getting diabetes?

As the age increases, the functions of the body begin to fade away, and the risk of diabetes will increase. Many people do not know what the reason is. So what do you know about diabetes? Let's have a look.

1. Changes in the way of life

Now that life is getting better and better, many adults have type 2 diabetes, mainly because of their bad habits. Too fat and little exercise simply leads to type 2 diabetes. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, a healthy lifestyle is indispensable. Eat less greasy food, eat more fruits and vegetables, daily exercise can greatly avoid the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, even now has type 2 diabetes, can also be treated by this way, after all, the type 2 diabetes is related to the way of life.

2. Environmental reasons

As you get older, the body's blood circulation and metabolic power naturally begin to decline, the utilization rate of glucose and body tissue for sugar also decline, and the energy demand is less, especially the demand for carbohydrates is smaller. Naturally, the tolerance of glucose is lower, so the sugars in the body gradually accumulate.

3. Physiological aging

It has been found that insulin can be secreted in the islet structure of the elderly β Cell volume decreased, but blood glucose increased α Cells increase and fibrous tissue proliferates, which is easy to show the decline of glucose tolerance, the decline of glucose metabolism, the delay of insulin release and the increase of blood glucose.

Some studies also showed that the fasting blood glucose and postprandial blood glucose of the elderly increased in varying degrees, and the fasting blood glucose increased by 0.05-0.112 mmol / L and the postprandial blood glucose increased by 1.67-2.78 mmol / l every 10 years of age.

4. Proinsulin cause

There is no more than one word. Proinsulin is a precursor of insulin. It consists of insulin and C peptide. It has two layers of immune activity. With the aging of the body, the synthesis and secretion of insulin decrease extremely, because the high synthetic proinsulin has entered into the blood without transforming into insulin, resulting in the decrease of insulin level and the onset of diabetes.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

How to prevent diabetes

 How to prevent diabetes

1. Stay away from plastic products

Phthalate two in the blood can increase the risk of diabetes. A large number of plastic products were found to contain this chemical composition, including building materials, packaging bags, toys, cosmetics and so on.

2. Often stand up and walk around

If you stand up and walk for two minutes after sitting for three or four hours, your body can better control postprandial glucose and insulin levels, which will maintain the arteries and heart.

3. Eat dairy products every day

The researchers estimate that certain proteins in dairy products can increase insulin excretion. In addition, interactions between vitamin D, calcium and magnesium in dairy products may also reduce the risk of diabetes.

4. Eat more "miscellaneous" food

People who eat the most fruits and vegetables (about 6 per day) are 21% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who eat the least. It's best to make sure you eat one kind of fruit or vegetable per meal and change patterns or cook in different ways every day.

5. Healthy slimming

If you want to lose weight, please start now and don't wait for yourself to lose weight. Please kindly look at yourself in the mirror, find the part you want to change, and constantly affirm your efforts, so as to add determination, instead of "fishing in three days and drying the net in two days".

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

How to prevent diabetes

 How to prevent diabetes

1. Stay away from plastic products

Phthalate two in the blood can increase the risk of diabetes. A large number of plastic products were found to contain this chemical composition, including building materials, packaging bags, toys, cosmetics and so on.

2. Often stand up and walk around

If you stand up and walk for two minutes after sitting for three or four hours, your body can better control postprandial glucose and insulin levels, which will maintain the arteries and heart.

3. Eat dairy products every day

The researchers estimate that certain proteins in dairy products can increase insulin excretion. In addition, interactions between vitamin D, calcium and magnesium in dairy products may also reduce the risk of diabetes.

4. Eat more "miscellaneous" food

People who eat the most fruits and vegetables (about 6 per day) are 21% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who eat the least. It's best to make sure you eat one kind of fruit or vegetable per meal and change patterns or cook in different ways every day.

5. Healthy slimming

If you want to lose weight, please start now and don't wait for yourself to lose weight. Please kindly look at yourself in the mirror, find the part you want to change, and constantly affirm your efforts, so as to add determination, instead of "fishing in three days and drying the net in two days".

Monday, November 22, 2021

How to Keep Diabetes Under Control with Good Diet

How to Keep Diabetes Under Control with Good Diet

It's very simple. You can eat food of grain, vegetables and fruits, meat, eggs, milk, beans and oil every day, as long as the total energy does not exceed the body's needs. Break the wrong idea that "eating more hypoglycemic drugs can eat more". Eat less and eat more. It not only ensures the supply of heat and nutrition, but also avoids the peak of postprandial blood glucose. Carbohydrate food should be eaten according to regulations, not less or more, but evenly (carbohydrate refers to the sugar in grain, vegetables, milk, fruits, bean products and hard fruit foods). The so-called "sugar free food" is essentially food without sucrose. Some foods use sweeteners instead of sucrose, but they still can't be eaten casually.

No matter which age group can drink milk, and drink milk will have many benefits, but here reminds you, because milk contains some fat, so diabetic patients can not drink too much milk, we must strictly control the amount. Milk contains 3% - 5% fat, which is higher than

Section 1: The Importance of Diet to Diabetes

Discussing the fundamental principles of good nutrition for the prevention of the onset of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Nutrition provides, at least partly, the cause of every medical disease and has a strong influence in its severity. Nutrition is closely related to physical and mental health and bodily function, as well as to the prevention and treatment of all age-related diseases. Diabetes is one of the most prevalent and dangerous diseases, which can be prevented. That's why each one of us should include a good diet in his regular life. Furthermore, the correct use of food and the elimination of unhealthy food is the main principle to prevent the onset of diabetes. The specific diet varies between individuals and also between individuals of the same age and sex.

How diet can help manage diabetes

• Control hunger and sugar cravings with the regular consumption of food. • Wages to increase the production of insulin from pancreas and decrease insulin resistance. • Improves the digestion of carbohydrates, sugars, fats, vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the body. • Moderates food intake, so that digestion takes place smoothly. • Increase the use of the hormone insulin, which helps in the reduction of postprandial glucose level, which otherwise gets higher. • Reduces a fever, which is caused by the irregular blood sugar levels. • Reduces the effect of liver cirrhosis, which is caused by the unhealthy food habits, and uncontrolled insulin.

What is the best diet for diabetes?

Diet is extremely important in order to take care of diabetes. Here is a practical guide for how to maintain blood glucose control on your diabetes treatment plan. For these two or three tips to keep glucose under control with diet:

People with diabetes have a reduced ability to burn calories (due to deficiency of insulin) and a limited ability to digest and absorb carbohydrates (due to decreased amount of pancreatic cells). This creates an imbalance in the blood glucose. The solution is to get carbohydrates from non-starchy foods, because they will have less effect on blood glucose. The remaining carbohydrate calories can be eaten in other foods or you can consume a low glycemic diet (DG).

Why should I care about my diet?


According to the WHO, the world consumes more than 500 grams of sugar-sweetened beverages per day, as well as nearly a hundred grams of fat per day. Another fact: 70% of all diabetic patients have a diet mainly characterized by poor nutrition, a low activity level and lack of physical exercise. Thus, lifestyle and dietary factors are fundamental for the treatment of diabetes.

Let's think about one simple fact, why we should change our diet?

Diabetes caused by excessive production of insulin in the blood and fat accumulation.

This means, there is an imbalance between insulin and insulin receptor in the body and less blood glucose can be produced when the insulin is absent.


Our diet, in addition to drugs, includes our personal habits, our exercise and our rest.

Diet is a very effective tool to protect a person against diabetes, not only should it be a large part of our life, but also in the precise range, which may vary depending on various factors, like age, height, gender, weight, level of physical activity and how we live our life. Your diet plays an important role in keeping diabetes in check, and how you manage it will depend on many factors. For instance, one of the key factors in keeping diabetes under control is avoiding too much saturated fat, and to avoid some products which contain carbohydrates like grains and legumes.

What is the cause of diabetes?

 What is the cause of diabetes?

1. Eating too much, many people do not clearly realize that the meaning of "disease comes from the mouth" may also change, from eating unclean things to infectious diseases to unscientific and unhealthy eating to non infectious modern diseases.

2. There are too few activities. Modernization provides people with more and more comfortable work and days, and there are fewer and fewer physical activities. You don't have to ride the car, you don't have to wash clothes, you use the remote control to watch TV, you don't want to move in front of the computer all day, and even it's inconvenient to go out and even squeeze the bus. Think about it. Can people not be fat if they eat more and move less? Can they avoid diseases related to obesity in the future?

3. Serious anxiety at present, the rhythm of the day is gradually accelerating, with large variables and large room for selection. It is very simple and makes people seriously anxious. This serious anxiety makes people in a continuous state of stress, which may lead to the excessive secretion of hormones that raise blood sugar and blood pressure, resulting in the rise of blood sugar.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Is long sitting easy to get diabetes?

 Is long sitting easy to get diabetes?

Modern office workers are busy and often spend the day sitting in front of the computer. Long term sitting posture may become an incentive to affect people's health and induce some diseases. So, is sedentary easy to get diabetes?

A US study found that if people sit silently for more than 6 hours a day, the risk of diabetes will increase significantly. This is because of the serious lack of exercise, the excess energy in the body will accumulate in the form of fat under the skin, between muscle cells and around the internal organs. Too much fat will make the cells in these parts lose the function of insulin receptor, insulin will not play a role in the body, and blood glucose will gradually rise. The risk factors for diabetes include age over 45 years old, overweight or obese, abdominal obesity, family history, cardiovascular disease (three higher), and average sitting time over 6 hours per day.

Therefore, to prevent diabetes, proper exercise is indispensable. Office workers spend 3-5 minutes stretching their limbs every 1-2 hours. Some sports can be added after coming home from work, such as jogging, walking, yoga, etc. Office workers should control the intake of high calories and sugar, because if they don't pay attention and work for a long time, office workers are more likely to cause various diseases.

In addition, sedentary will also cause constipation, because when sitting, the motor function of the intestinal tract will be weakened, which will dry the substances in the intestinal tract, resulting in difficult defecation. Sedentary can also cause blood clots, such as deep venous thrombosis, because sedentary will produce greater pressure on the veins of the legs and feet, which will reduce blood circulation. When sitting for a long time, the neck, shoulder and waist back continue to adhere to the fixed posture, and the intervertebral disc and interspinous ligament are in a serious stalemate for a long time, which will lead to the stiffness, acid swelling and pain of the neck, shoulder and waist back, especially the improper sitting posture (such as the spine continues to bend forward), which is also easy to accelerate the formation of hunchback and lead to hyperosteogeny. Because the long-term weight-bearing of pelvis and sacroiliac joint will affect the blood circulation of abdomen and lower limbs, and it is also easy to cause varicose veins of lower limbs.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

What should diabetes patients pay attention to in summer?

 What should diabetes patients pay attention to in summer?

Hot summer weather is actually "unfriendly" to diabetics. Diabetes patients simply appear blood sugar instability at that time, causing diabetes to aggravate. Therefore, patients need to pay more attention. So what should diabetes patients pay attention to in summer?

1. Beware of hypoglycemia

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, people's activity time is relatively long, and the innovation is relatively vigorous. In summer, insulin sensitivity was relatively enhanced and insulin utilization rate was relatively high. Coupled with the hot summer weather, people sweat more, and their appetite will be affected to varying degrees. All these factors may directly cause blood sugar to drop. Then, diabetic patients who take or hypoglycemic drugs should pay more attention to prevent hypoglycemia.

2. Pay attention to make up for moisture

In summer, diabetics must pay attention to make up for boiling water, especially when sweating. Together, we should stop all kinds of sugary drinks, such as coke, soda, etc. In addition, many people love to eat some fruits that are more moisture to relieve thirst in summer. However, diabetics should not eat more fruits. Especially those with high blood sugar and not manipulated diabetes need to be cautious. Diabetic patients with stable condition should also choose the fruit reasonably under the guidance of the doctor. You can eat an appropriate amount of fruit between meals. You should pay attention to the sugar content of fruit. When eating fruit with high sugar content, you should pay attention to reducing the amount of staple food.

3. Pay attention to indoor ventilation

In summer, indoor air conditioners are mostly opened. Because of the insufficiency of insulin in diabetics, the glucose intake of the liver and muscle can be reduced, which will increase blood sugar and make the body's heat insufficient. Cold tolerance can decline, poor resistance, poor indoor air and other reasons, which are more likely to lead to colds and other diseases. Moreover, it is easier to catch a cold when sleeping with the air conditioner on, which increases blood sugar and aggravates the disease. Therefore, diabetes patients should pay attention to indoor ventilation in summer, enhance their physique and enhance their resistance.