Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diabetes. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2021

How to Diagnose and Differentiate Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

How to Diagnose and Differentiate Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

How to diagnose and differentiate diabetes.

starvation diabetes: when hunger is quite high, a large amount of sugar food is suddenly introduced in the future, and insulin secretion cannot adapt for the moment, which can produce diabetes and reduced glucose tolerance. During identification, pay attention to the analysis of the disease, diet history and total amount of food intake. Fasting blood glucose is often normal or even low.

(2) post food diabetes: diabetes occurs after eating a large amount of sugar food, or due to rapid absorption, the blood glucose concentration temporarily exceeds the renal glucose threshold, but the fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance test are normal.

Section 1: What Are the Different Types of Diabetes?

The following diagram describes in which categories type I and type II diabetes fall.

Explanation: Type I Diabetes is simply diabetes, with raised levels of blood glucose. The primary cause of diabetes is unknown. This may be due to an innate defect of the immune system, inflammation or poor eating habits. These types can be successfully treated with drugs. The distinction between type I and type II diabetes has to do with the ability of the pancreas to adapt to the imbalance of blood glucose. As such, type I diabetes is defined as a negative beta cell count, whereas type II diabetes is a positive beta cell count.

How to Diagnose and Differentiate Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

Glycated hemoglobin blood test: this should be conducted only when fasting blood glucose concentrations are persistently high (>140mg/dl) and/or glycosuria not satisfactory.

Changes in body weight and abdominal circumference should be evaluated.

Sufficient nutrition and physical activity are indispensable.

Sustained weight loss is considered to be a contraindication.

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Strategies for Diabetes Care

Take your blood sugar level exactly, it should be fine on time at regular intervals. Check fasting levels twice a day, and if necessary, adjust meal durations or meal timing.

Follow a proper diet, avoid excessive alcohol intake, excessive salt consumption, etc.

Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes

There are no obvious symptoms at first, only weight loss. The disease can be spotted with:

-fasting blood glucose > 3.5 mmol/L (5.6 mmol/L)

-a person who does not look very well, a person who looks extremely pale, pale hands and feet

-reduced concentration (focus)

-excessive thirst

-excessive urination

-lack of sweating

-low or absent pulse, or

-chronic abdominal pains and an increasing weight.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

There are no visible symptoms until the end of the disease, when the diet and blood glucose management can no longer prevent diabetes.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

Regular urination


Blurred vision

Decreased glucose tolerance

In some cases, left untreated, the disease can lead to a syndrome of serious physical disabilities or even death.

How to Diagnose and Differentiate Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

How to diagnose and differentiate diabetes.

starvation diabetes: when hunger is quite high, a large amount of sugar food is suddenly introduced in the future, and insulin secretion cannot adapt for the moment, which can produce diabetes and reduced glucose tolerance. During identification, pay attention to the analysis of the disease, diet history and total amount of food intake. Fasting blood glucose is often normal or even low.


Having a blood glucose and blood glucose levels of 170-250 mg/dL, and a fasting glucose concentration of 140 mg/dL-180 mg/dL is a sign of diabetes and shows an increase in sugar in the blood.1

In the majority of cases, there is the possibility to live the disease with insulin and oral medications. However, severe hyperglycemia can result in multiple complications such as complications of vascular, respiratory and renal function, renal failure, heart failure, blindness and nerve damage.

More Info

Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, coeliac disease, or gluten intolerance. These 4 diseases have nothing in common: a true coeliac disease is a reaction to gluten, not diabetes.

Sugar Alcohols: be aware, they may produce a temporary increase in blood sugar levels.

How much is fasting urine sugar is diabetes?

 How much is fasting urine sugar is diabetes? How can you know if you are diabetic?

Fasting to the hospital to check blood sugar, higher than 7 is diabetes! Normal is less than 6.1. The main symptoms of diabetes are three high and one low, drink more, eat more, and make more urine, but lose weight.

The reference value of fasting blood glucose in normal people is 3.9 to 6.1. If you repeatedly measure blood sugar levels above normal levels, consider diabetes. It is suggested that you should check your fasting blood glucose in a regular hospital. Don't eat foods with high sugar content a few days ago!

Diabetes Treatment: What You Need to Know

Diabetes Treatment: What You Need to Know

On World Diabetes Day, the editor will take you to know diabetes! The World Health Organization has listed diabetes as one of the three most difficult diseases, and has designated November 14 every year as "World Day for Diabetes Prevention and Treatment." There are currently about 50 million people with diabetes in our country, which is a serious threat to our health. Taking the opportunity of World Diabetes Day, the health-preserving network will take you to understand diabetes and do a good job in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

World Diabetes Day:

World Diabetes Day (World Diabetes Day WDD), jointly initiated by the World Health Organization and the International Diabetes Federation in 1991, its purpose is to arouse global awareness and awareness of diabetes.

At the end of 2006, the United Nations passed a resolution to officially change the name of "World Diabetes Day" to "United Nations Diabetes Day" in 2007, and promote the behavior of experts and academics to govern

Section 1: Introduction

Diabetes is a major global public health problem that is rapidly increasing in number. Over 500 million adults and nearly 380 million children and adolescents are living with diabetes, and most have type 2 diabetes. The exact causes of diabetes are not known, but it is widely suspected to be a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. However, diabetes is not just a single disease; there are several different types of diabetes and multiple co-morbidities.

When diabetes is poorly controlled, it is known to have grave consequences such as blindness, kidney failure, nerve damage, heart disease, and stroke.

Diabetes is referred to as a ‘’serious public health threat.

Diabetes Prevention

Diabetes is associated with numerous disorders, and it can be prevented. With the help of experts, here are a few ways that you can avoid the risk of diabetes and go on a better path of health:

Stay Active: This is the first and most important step in keeping diabetes at bay. Workouts for a full day are ideal. Furthermore, it is advisable to have your diet filled with organic fruits and vegetables. Eat those that are rich in vitamin C and antioxidant properties. They boost immunity and help you to keep diabetes at bay.

Exercise: You can work out for a minimum of 30 minutes, five days a week, to keep diabetes at bay. In addition to aerobic workouts, you can try other physical activities like yoga and swimming. You can also visit a fitness center or a gym to keep fit.

Diabetes Treatment

The aim of this World Diabetes Day is to raise awareness of diabetes and its dangers. In India, we do have a huge problem in the rising number of diabetic patients in our country. People with diabetes may suffer from painful foot ulceration, in addition to reducing blood sugar control and diabetes medications. In addition to this, in late 2018, we have a new challenge for the prevention of diabetes – consuming too many non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage.

Here are some tips to keep diabetes in control.

Before you begin any exercise program make sure to have a nutrition plan.

There are three main types of insulin – Lantus (insulin that is used with a continuous insulin delivery system (CODS)), subcutaneous and injectable insulin.


The World Diabetes Day, in a nutshell, is an occasion to disseminate useful information about the human condition, while expressing solidarity and support for people living with the disease, raise awareness of the disease, and share progress and best practices in the management of diabetes. Diabetes can be managed with good diet and physical activity, but the condition can also lead to blindness, kidney disease and amputations. People who are living with diabetes do not need to be constantly reminded about it; just to remember this World Diabetes Day, take a few minutes to know the condition.

Also Read: Best Probiotic Foods for Diabetes

Article Source: Nutritiondata.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Is fasting and postprandial blood glucose high? Is it diabetes?

 Is fasting and postprandial blood glucose high? Is it diabetes?

Is fasting and postprandial blood glucose high? Is it diabetes? Is there any possibility of other diseases?

The patient was a 52 year old female. Blood glucose is often measured at home for about a month. Generally, fasting is about 7-9, about 14 hours after meal, sometimes as high as 19. Blood glucose is not reduced after taking hypoglycemic drugs for about a week


Eat less sugary food and control diet is the key to treatment,

Guidance Opinions:

It is recommended to control the diet, eat less and eat more meals, and control the intake of starch and fat. You can take Jiangtangling orally, regularly check the blood glucose status and adjust the dosage

According to your condition, you can basically identify diabetes. Immediate and regular treatment is required.

Guidance Opinions:

Please go to a regular medical institution to review OGTT. For clear diagnosis. If there is no damage to the liver and kidney, oral hypoglycemic drugs can be taken. Otherwise, use insulin. Please take the medicine as directed. Do not take it yourself.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The rise and fall of blood glucose fluctuates greatly. Is there a clinical disease omen?

 The rise and fall of blood glucose fluctuates greatly. Is there a clinical disease omen?

Description: diabetes four years ago, due to heart failure, coronary heart disease surgery, has healed. Now suddenly, the daily blood sugar fluctuates greatly and has been treated with drugs.

Blood sugar shakes greatly. First of all, we should clarify the causes of shaking. For example, diet, physical stress changes, unreasonable hypoglycemic plan, etc. It is suggested that you go to the endocrinology specialty to check the etiology, and then give symptomatic treatment for the appeal problem. Islet function test can be carried out to determine whether brittle blood glucose shake is caused by islet failure.

Diabetes came out four years ago. Has it been hypoglycemic drugs or insulin control? Is blood sugar stable all the time? What causes heart failure, coronary heart disease? Did you make a support or a bridge? How big is the fluctuation of blood sugar now? Has the plan of hypoglycemic treatment changed? You didn't make it clear. Please send your blood glucose value, operation records and hypoglycemic plan.

The above is the proposition of "blood glucose fluctuates greatly, is there a clinical disease omen". I hope it will be helpful to you. I wish you good health!

Monday, November 15, 2021

10 people have 1 diabetes? How's my health?

 10 people have 1 diabetes? How's my health?

November 14th is the United Nations diabetes day.

Diabetes is a common chronic disease. In 2017, 114 million 400 thousand of China's 20~79 year olds had the highest number of diabetes in the world. The rate of diagnosis of diabetes in China is only 30~40%. That is, only 3-4 of every 10 diabetic patients know that they are ill.

According to the China cardiovascular health and disease statement (2019) released by the National Cardiovascular Center, according to the enquiry of 170287 residents aged 18 or above in 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, the prevalence of prediabetes is 35.7%. That is to say, 500 million people may suffer from diabetes.

Diabetes endangering the population is very extensive. Everyone should understand it and eliminate it.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycemia. The primary reason is the defect or abnormality of insulin secretion. Failure to control the condition will lead to chronic hazards and dysfunction of various arrangements, especially eyes, kidneys, heart, blood vessels and nerves.

Diabetes is divided into 1 types: type 2 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, special diabetes and gestational diabetes. But type 2 diabetes is most common, accounting for over 95% of diabetes in China.

Type 2 diabetes often starts at about 40 years old. There are no symptoms in the early stage, so it is extremely concealed. Many patients find themselves ill after chronic complications. At this point, the pain is hard to reverse.

The hospital told me that the common complications included cataract, hypertension, diabetic foot and kidney disease.

How to prevent diabetes?

According to the China diabetes prevention strategy published in the April 2021 Chinese Diabetes Journal (2020 Edition), diabetes prevention can be divided into the following ways: 2

1. To deal with diabetes in all age groups, to control the risk factors of type 2 diabetes and prevent the occurrence of type 2 diabetes:

Control weight: recover the BMI of overweight or obese people to normal value, BMI < 24. (weight ÷ square of height = BMI index)

Diet management: eat more vegetables, less sugar, salt and fat, do not eat alcohol and tobacco, eat a balanced diet and control intake.

Keep exercising: keep aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes every week, improve metabolism and reduce blood glucose.

2. Diabetes management for high-risk groups: disease screening and health intervention in high-risk groups.

Physical examination: the general physical examination or blood glucose, blood pressure, blood lipid and other policies shall be carried out every 3-6 months until all policies are normal, and the general physical examination can be carried out once a year. (guidelines can refer to type 2 diabetes mellitus induction operation guideline).

Drug intervention: if you can't control the policy by changing your living habits, eating and exercising, you should see a doctor in time and decide whether drug intervention is needed according to the doctor's opinion.

We hope that we can understand diabetes in the propaganda of International Diabetes Day, and know that everyone is likely to get sick instead of indulging themselves. We also hope that we can attach importance to diabetes, help our friends and relatives, and keep them away from the disease.

What are the signs of diabetes in young people? Six things and 2 prevention.

 What are the signs of diabetes in young people? Six things and 2 prevention.

Diabetes now affects not just the middle-aged and elderly, but also a growing number of young individuals. They haven't realized they have a dietary problem until they get sick, therefore diabetes is growing more serious, resulting in greater difficulties. As a result, it is critical that young people recognize the symptoms of diabetes immediately. Determine the problem and keep blood sugar under control as soon as possible.

What are the signs of diabetes in young people?

1. Loss of weight

Diabetic individuals' weight will continue to fall since the glucose in their bodies cannot be adequately used. Protein and fat cannot both be degraded and eaten at the same time. If there are no nutrients in the body, the body will lose weight over time, and most diabetic people will lose weight.

2. Increase your water consumption.

Diabetes patients urinate more often than non-diabetics. This type of issue will result in significant water loss and simple cell dehydration, so many diabetic patients will become thirsty and drink more water in the future, which is a common symptom of diabetes.

The amount of water to drink rose dramatically, 3000 ml or more of water may be consumed every day, and dry mouth symptoms did not improve much after drinking water.

3. Consume extra food

Diabetes patients increase their urine production on a daily basis. There will be a lot of sugar lost throughout the urine process, leading the body to remain hungry for a long period. At this moment, the body's energy will drop, appetite will grow, and food will become more plentiful.

Urination frequency and volume have increased. It is connected to osmotic diuresis induced by high blood glucose on the one hand, and it is also related to consuming more water on the other.

4. Tiredness

Because glucose in the body of a diabetic requires less energy to use properly, patients typically feel fatigued all of the time.

Young people must now be on the lookout for diabetes, thus diabetes prevention can begin with the following factors:

1. Use less oil and salt.

Young people nowadays enjoy meals with a strong flavor. They typically eat hot pot or barbeque. Such items are not only overspent in oil, but also in salt. Consuming them over an extended period of time will result in hyperlipidemia and fatty liver, leading to three highs.

2. An adequate quantity of protein

The human body does not consume enough protein. Many individuals nowadays choose to consume meat. They will be more prone to developing diabetes if they do not restrict their fat and sugar intake. As a result, in everyday life, we must monitor our blood glucose and protein consumption.

Diabetes is a somewhat serious chronic condition that causes significant harm to one's health. If it is not discovered early in infancy and is not controlled in the future, it is extremely probable that health may be jeopardized. In real life, if you see any of the aforementioned symptoms, you should consult a doctor right away and practice proper glycemic control.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

In China, over 150 million individuals are at high risk of developing diabetes. How well-versed are you on the subject of diabetes?

 In China, over 150 million individuals are at high risk of developing diabetes. How well-versed are you on the subject of diabetes?

The United Nations has designated November 14th as World Diabetes Day. How well-versed are you on the subject of diabetes?

What is the code that regulates blood sugar levels?

Sugar has steadily become a "sweet issue" in recent years. Excess sugar consumption is causing an increasing number of health concerns. Many individuals are concerned that eating too much sugar may result in diabetes. Diabetic people have a stronger "sugar odor" and are discolored. What is the blood sugar password?

You may eat more if you consume too many sugar-free beverages.

Many young people nowadays want to drink sugar-free beverages in order to avoid gaining weight while also satisfying their taste buds. Is it true that sugar-free beverages are healthy?

Sugar replacement sweeteners, which are included in sugar-free beverages, raise the risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, and are significantly more harmful for obese people. Drinking a lot of sugar-free beverages stimulates the excitement of the brain's feeding center, which increases your appetite and makes you need more sugar.

So, what exactly is diabetes?

Diabetes is a long-term illness. Diabetes is caused by the pancreas producing insufficient insulin or the body's inability to adequately utilise the insulin generated. Insulin is a hormone that helps to keep blood sugar levels in check. Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, is a typical complication of untreated diabetes, and it can impair many bodily systems, including neurons and blood vessels, over time.

China is one of the countries with the fastest-growing diabetes prevalence rates on the planet. A staggering 150 million individuals are at high risk of developing diabetes. The risk of pre-diabetes can be lowered by controlling one's diet and exercising regularly.

Friday, November 12, 2021

New employments of normal diabetes drugs, from deferring maturing to forestalling dementia

New employments of normal diabetes drugs, from deferring maturing to forestalling dementia 

Diabetes and Alzheimer's sickness (Alzheimer's infection) are the two most normal persistent illnesses in the old, and they are likewise the bearing of examination endeavors. 

Among them, the clinical signs of Alzheimer's infection incorporate moderate memory impedance, intellectual hindrance and language debilitation, yet up until this point, there is no reasonable treatment for Alzheimer's illness. As per inadequate measurements, there are something like 154 openly reported R &amp; D disappointments, and just five medications are supported for the treatment of Alzheimer's illness. 

As of late, an incredible meta-examination of an enormous number of information has uncovered a weird connection between metformin (a sort 2 diabetes treatment) and anticipation of Alzheimer's infection. 

Metformin is quite possibly the most usually recommended solutions for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in the United State. It is for the most part used to control blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Notwithstanding, in the beyond couple of years, scientists have started to concentrate on the astounding defensive properties of the medication. Metformin has been found to draw out life in a few creature considers, and an exceptional report in 2019 called attention to how the medication can assist with battling maturing and show its impact. 

Obviously, albeit the medication has been securely utilized in huge number of diabetic patients for quite a long time, it is as yet testing to recognize the impacts of medications from other expected advantages. 

In this review, specialists have followed in excess of 1000 subjects matured 70 to 90 beginning around 2005. Of the 1037 subjects, 123 had diabetes, about half taking metformin. 

The investigation discovered that during the normal 6 years follow-up period, the intellectual decay pace of metformin diabetic patients was essentially more slow than that of the people who didn't take metformin. Furthermore, the review tracked down no distinction in intellectual decrease among metformin and non-diabetic subjects. 

For patients with type 2 diabetes, metformin might build the standard hypoglycemic part of diabetes care: intellectual medical advantages, scientists say. 

Moreover, the concentrate likewise deals with the issue to be tackled: how does metformin dial back the decay of intellectual capacity? Are these helpful cerebrum impacts inferable just to drugs that work on the manifestations of diabetes? Or on the other hand can these intellectual advantages come from solid non-diabetic individuals? 

Obviously, albeit this observational review didn't give clear "proof" for metformin in the anticipation of dementia, it gave another heading to the investigation of this diabetes drug in the battle against Alzheimer's infection. Regardless of whether metformin can assist individuals with typical glucose digestion clearly needs more work. 

The new review is distributed in the diary diabetes care.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Diabetes sufferers should be able to control their condition on their own.

 Diabetes sufferers should be able to control their condition on their own.

Diabetes therapy relies heavily on good self-management. Patients will understand basic diabetes knowledge and learn the necessary disease control skills to prevent the occurrence and development of acute and chronic diabetic complications, and finally learn how to live happily and enjoy life after having diabetes, thanks to the collaborative efforts of patients, family members, friends, physicians, and experts involved in the treatment.

Diabetes therapy relies heavily on good self-management. Patients will understand basic diabetes knowledge and learn the necessary disease control skills to prevent the occurrence and development of acute and chronic diabetic complications, and finally learn how to live happily and enjoy life after having diabetes, thanks to the collaborative efforts of patients, family members, friends, physicians, and experts involved in the treatment.

1. The incidence of foot gangrene in diabetic foot care patients is 17 times that of non-diabetic patients. Even minor injuries can result in infection, gangrene, or even amputation, so foot care is critical.

①. Wash your feet every day with warm water and non-irritating soap (you can first feel the temperature of the water with your wrist or elbow or your family to prevent the temperature from being too high).

②. Take care to keep your feet and toes dry. Patients who sweat a lot on their feet can use non-irritating dry powder.

③. A skin care product can be applied to the surface of the foot skin for individuals who have very dry feet.

④. After washing and soaking the feet, clip the lengthy toenails, and the front end of the toenails should be cut flat and polished to avoid growth into the meat.

⑤. It is prohibited to apply inflammatory substances, such as corporate, to corn or to cut these sections with a knife or scissors.

⑥. Before wearing new shoes for the first time, carefully inspect them for foreign matters and wear them after relaxing the support and feet; old shoes and slippers should also be inspected on a regular basis.

⑦. Do not go barefoot. Keep your socks clean by changing them every day. Socks with holes or patches are not permitted. You should not walk on stones.

⑧. To prevent excessive friction or stacking, soft, breathable, and elastic objects such as cotton can be inserted between the toes.

⑨. In the event of an infection, wear, or blisters, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

2. Diabetic skin care should include developing excellent personal hygiene habits, regular washing and changing of clothes, preventing blocking of pores, causing furuncle and carbuncle, and doing partial cleansing and disinfection for diseased locations, especially with physicians in time.

3. The extent of oral illness in diabetes individuals receiving dental treatment varies. Gum disease is becoming more likely by hyperglycemia. Patients should wash their teeth at least twice every day (before going to bed late and after getting up early). Tilt the bristles of a soft, round toothbrush 45 degrees to the gums. Brush up and down, and brush the chewing surface as well as the rough surface of the tongue.

Pick your teeth once a day to remove germs from your teeth. After each meal, rinse your mouth. Bacterial growth in the mouth can be prevented by rinsing with salt and hot water. Once diabetes is diagnosed, an oral checkup should be performed every 36 months, and a new toothbrush should be purchased every 34 months.

4. Outbound trip management for diabetic patients

①. Eating out should be kept to a minimum. If you must eat outside, you should learn to eat scientifically to avoid blood sugar spikes.

②. Fill out the diabetic treatment card with the patient's name, address, contact information, and phone number, as well as the current medicine.

③. Carry adequate insulin or oral hypoglycemic medicines with you. Don't give them up; Additionally, prepare other drugs and requirements, such as antibiotics, diarrhea, nausea, sleeplessness, and cold medicines.

④. Carry snacks and hypoglycemic foods with you in case of an inadvertent meal or hypoglycemia.

⑤. Glucose levels should be checked on a regular basis.

We must do all possible to avoid excessive weariness in order to avoid exacerbating diabetes. If the trip is lengthy, it should be taken by airline or rail. Get up and take a stroll.